Welcome to The Green Room

This forum space is available for All-Access Members

. The name The Green Room comes from the room performers hang out in backstage while they’re not actively performing. It’s where all the best creative ideas for future projects germinate, where all the snacks are shared and eaten, and it is the most fun place to commune leisurely with like-minded souls.

This member’s only virtual forum is where we hang out backstage to continue our conversation off the mat. After each class, members are welcome to stay to discuss that day’s movement experience, answer questions, and deepen our understanding of embodying the work of the Pilates method.

The Green Room is also a space for community sharing and big-picture thinking. Our community is built on collaboration, co-creation, and mutual accountability. Each member is encouraged to share practical and aspirational best practices that they’ve found to be supportive and effective.

Become a member and join the discussion today!