Personalized Private Sessions

Private sessions expedite your progress whether your goals are oriented in physical rehabilitation or you simply want a consultation on how to advance one of your physical hobbies. The Pilates method works because it takes your personal interests and physical history into consideration while developing your unique exercise practice.

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Does this resonate?

You want to learn Pilates and movement fundamentals before joining a group class.
You are recovering from a surgery, injury, or are post-natal and in need of guidance during the process of rebuilding your body.
You learn best through one-on-one interactions and have specific questions to discuss.
You are a devoted Pilates practitioner or teacher who wants to deepen their understanding of the Pilates method principles and philosophy.

If this sounds like you, consider scheduling a private session. Together we will craft a movement plan specific to your needs.

I’m Greta: Senior Pilates teacher & your expert movement guide

I work with humans that are feeling stuck in their bodies to create lifestyle changes that restore their movement practice to be joyful and effective, increasing strength, stamina, and flexibility.

What Clients Are Saying

“I have attended Pilates classes with a number of teachers, but have never gotten the results from them that I have come to expect from my classes with Greta. At the end of a session with her, I feel energized and buoyant rather than exhausted or sore like I do from more typical gym exercises.”

— R. Regos

“Besides being an extremely attentive teacher, Greta has the gift of being able to communicate how a movement should feel from the inside. She is a master of visualization and analogies! I jokingly refer to Greta as a Pilates geek. Her passion will get you hooked on Pilates as a way of life.”

— S. Hing

“Greta has helped me completely change my relationship with my body. Working with her has helped me gain awareness of my physical being. She is a genius at understanding what is going on with your body, knowing how to address it, and supporting you in reaching your goals.”

— C. Baker

 Interested in working together?

I offer private, duet, and small group online sessions tailored to your unique goals.